New Courses Make Life Worth Living Again
By SJ PAULSON | Apr. 3, 2002A long-standing student complaint - boring classes and tedious professors - is, at last, being addressed by the University at Buffalo."Classes like 'Flirting' will not only entertain students and keep them awake, but they'll also be invaluable to the student, both during and after the collegiate years," said Kerry Grant, vice provost of academic affairs and dean of the graduate school.The new courses, available next fall, range across four or five departments and cover topics such as: Academic Bluffing (APY 501); Sowing Dissent (COM 501); Basic Deathmatching (CSE 496); Flirting (ATH 401); and Vices 1, 2 and 3 (UGC 501, 502, 503).After informal studies showed student dissatisfaction with current course offerings, the administration decided to follow a less traditional solution."We sat down and talked to target groups, tried to get a feel for what the students wanted," said Dennis Black, vice president for Student Affairs.