Parking Proposal Unfair to Freshmen
By PHILIP BADASZEWSKI | Nov. 22, 2004A change is needed to the parking problem on this campus, but the current proposal is completely asinine ("Proposal Would Ban Freshman Parking on Spine," Nov.
A change is needed to the parking problem on this campus, but the current proposal is completely asinine ("Proposal Would Ban Freshman Parking on Spine," Nov.
Keith Campbell, professor of animal development at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom and one of the top researchers of animal cloning, spoke about his research, the future of cloning and its benefits at a lecture Tuesday night at Daemen College.
The Graduate Student Association's decision to hold its annual election online this year has raised concerns over the security of the voting."The program has a lot of problems with glitches," said Roberto Lopez, editor of The Graduate Quill, the graduate student newspaper.According to the April 8 issue of The Quill, online voting could cause problems because the server is prone to crashing and there will be no physical ballot box to reference in the event the election is contested or if the results are disputed.If the votes are contested, checking for tampering will be difficult to impossible, said Lopez.GSA Election Commissioner Sandra Connelly said the only problem with the online elections would be for graduate students based off campus who relinquish their rights to UB IT accounts.
Provost Elizabeth Capaldi, one of three candidates for the position of chancellor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus, has withdrawn her name from contention."I have decided to withdraw from the chancellor search at the University ofMassachusetts.
University Police arrested four students Monday night for firing a BB gun at students entering Goodyear Hall, injuring two students in the incident.The four students - Michael Burton, Kevin James, Ajay Abraham and Stephen Rivera - began by firing at a parked car and an ATM in the University Plaza, across from South Campus.
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst has selected UB Provost Elizabeth Capaldi as one of three finalists for the position of university chancellor.Capaldi, who could not be reached for comment, went to visit the campus this past weekend and will learn at the end of April whether she has been offered the position."I wish her well, I hope she doesn't go," said UB President William R.
Students, and young adults in general, rarely concern themselves with what they eat. There are risks, however, involved with the unhealthy binging young adults sometimes engage in - namely, obesity."Students spend a lot of time studying, using the computer and watching television and not enough time doing aerobic, physical activity," said Frank Carnevale, director of the Student Health Center.
The university announced Monday that students will no longer be able to use the word 'dorms' when in or around the university's residence halls.
Last semester, at least two students applying for acceptance into the UB School of Management graduate program were denied because their GPAs did not meet the minimum for acceptance.
Three congressmen from Western New York - Reps. John LaFalce (D-Grand Island, Town of Tonawanda), Thomas Reynolds (R-Clarence) and Jack Quinn (R-Hamburg) - met Sunday night at the Center for Tomorrow to discuss topics ranging from school vouchers to immigration laws and their effects on life in the post-Sept.