Restaurant Review
By MELISSA MEYER | Apr. 11, 2003Nestled along the strip of bars, across the street from Spot Coffee and New World Music, sits Kuni's Sushi Bar, located at 752 Elmwood Ave.
Nestled along the strip of bars, across the street from Spot Coffee and New World Music, sits Kuni's Sushi Bar, located at 752 Elmwood Ave.
Student Association Vice President-elect Jocelyn Tejeda bustles into a meeting room in the Student Association office and apologizes for her 10-minute late entrance.It is this on-the-go, just-in-time-for-the-next-appointment buzz of activity that offers the best description of Tejeda's career as a student.Tejeda, a junior international business and communication major, has been involved in numerous activities and held many titles throughout her university experience, including Residence Hall Association representative, SA People of Color clubs coordinator and a member of Omega Phi Beta.Following a successful campaign during the SA elections and an emergency trip to Albany, Tejeda has been busy - to say the very least."I wake up in the morning, probably head to class right after that, office hours for POC, then I'd probably do some sorority work then I'd probably be in a senate meeting or an SA - there's always a meeting I have to be at!" Tejeda said, describing her typical day.
Since its inception, television has been one of the largest mediums through which people learn about the lifestyles and ideals of others.
While many students say they do not care to go to speeches, sporting events, elections or many of the other events offered around campus - all of which contributes to student apathy - administrators say this is to be expected.Rachel Sher, a sophomore social work major, said she has noticed the lack of student enthusiasm at UB."You see it a lot ... nobody gets involved with anything," said Sher.
I am a literature dork, first and foremost. I have been ever since I learned the significance of those little symbols we like to call letters.
At a joint conference between the Food and Drug Administration and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the two organizations revealed that prescription drug abuse in the United States is on the rise.The largest percentage of people reported to have used prescription drugs non-medically was in the 18- to 19-year-old bracket, where 15 percent had used prescription drugs recreationally in the past year.
College students are notorious for leaving their computers on constantly, downloading music, movies, and whatever else they can find for free on the Internet.