The only hood with green'
By MADELAINE BRITT | May 4, 2014It's a Friday afternoon in McCarley Gardens, a housing complex in the Fruit Belt area of the lower East Side of Buffalo.
It's a Friday afternoon in McCarley Gardens, a housing complex in the Fruit Belt area of the lower East Side of Buffalo.
Directly outside the Student Union on Monday and Tuesday, students were greeted with a question: "What do you think about human rights?" Members of the UB Students for Life handed out pamphlets with photographs of aborted fetuses, mirroring the billboard display behind them. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, a national organization that is anti-abortion, was asked to plan the event with Students for Life.
You might see them touring the dark caverns of the grain elevators on the bank of the Buffalo River, or catch a glimpse of them in the halls of Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House Complex.
Jillian informed her mother that cars were expensive. A whole $110, she said. She told a passenger by her side that her sneakers were three weeks new. Jillian was a little girl, seated beside me on the bus. As I rode a city bus in downtown Buffalo Saturday morning and sat beside her and her quiet brother who said nothing, her mother re-sewed buttons on her peacoat and told her friend that she was done with men. The boarded-up buildings blew past us, so skeletal they seemed as though they would fall over in the wind.
The Center for Material Informatics (CMI) is doing what it can to revitalize the City of Buffalo. Founded two years ago, CMI is a catalyst for regional growth and economic development in the Buffalo-Niagara region, spurring progress in manufacturing technology. For local companies, the center is a resource for research and development, faculty and student expertise and modern facilities that allow for businesses to expand and reinvent their products in the area of materials informatics.
The UB Veterans' Association plays an active role in the lives of students who have managed to juggle civil duty with civil studies. Justine Bottorff found that difficult. She served two terms in Iraq, and, like her fellow veterans, she returned to the United States in hopes of assimilating into civilian life smoothly. She knew no one in Buffalo.
Her heels echo on the aluminum floor. The wrinkled skirt she wears shifts back and forth as her body struggles to stay balanced.
I had my first pack of cigarettes at age 6. Granted, it was a plastic sleeve filled with sugar sticks that I bought from the soda and sweets shop down the block.
When President Barack Obama addressed UB in August and talked about his plans to revolutionize the American educational system, he pushed for affordability and increased value in the college experience. The latest Kiplinger report shows UB is steadily moving toward achieving those goals. Kiplinger's Personal Finance released a report last week that ranked UB third for lowest student debt at a public university.