Cost of Living
By LYNN CARTER | Nov. 20, 2002After my first two years of living in an on campus dorm, I decided it was time to strike out on my own and move into an apartment off campus.
After my first two years of living in an on campus dorm, I decided it was time to strike out on my own and move into an apartment off campus.
Disclaimer: All of the following information and quotes are completely and totally false. That is, I made them up.
Show of hands: of those of you who are not from the Buffalo area, who has referred to a highway using "the" before coming to UB?
I hate the radio. Generally speaking I don't like to waste emotion on inanimate objects, but I really hate the radio.
This summer, around June, what started out as an ordinary trip to the mall turned into a major traumatic event.
I've begun weaning myself off of collegiate life and adjusting to the harsh reality that exists beyond UB by getting a "job". I like my "job" because I get paid to go, and I get to drink coffee and wear a neat little badge with my name on it.
Welcome UB freshmen! If you're reading this, I congratulate you for hauling yourself out of bed and on to campus this fine Wednesday.