"Diet, right?"
By ANTHONY SYLOR | Apr. 5, 2006The dead of winter is almost over and all of us that have been in college-sloth mode are scrambling to get back those warm-weather bodies.To aid our plight, the diet industry supplies us with countless easy fixes that come in forms of pills, shakes, specialized diets and workout machines.One such product that I find particularly entertaining is RebounderAir, a proud product of the American Institution of Reboundology.This breakthrough in workout technology was invented by Albert Earl Carter, who according the Web site, invented his product after "recognizing that his extraordinary good health and superior strength were connected to his work on the trampoline."That's right, Carter's great invention is a mini-trampoline that "has proven to be an efficient form of exercise with virtually no harmful side defects" and "the low impact (such as the light pressure on the thighs) stimulates drainage, easing waste material out of the lymphatic system.