Christianity at UB in Focus
By AMANDA LOHISER | Feb. 20, 2002UB offers many opportunities for Christian students who wish to worship on campus, or simply be involved in a group of people who share similar beliefs.
UB offers many opportunities for Christian students who wish to worship on campus, or simply be involved in a group of people who share similar beliefs.
Another night of fun on Main Street ended tragically after 19-year-old Ronnie Frida was stabbed to death at a "Teen Night" in Cloud 9, a bar/nightclub, Sunday evening.Demario Gray, 19, was charged with second-degree murder and weapons possession in connection with the stabbing.According to Captain Mark Morgan of the Buffalo Police Department, Gray and the victim were engaged in a dispute when Gray pulled out a four-inch folded knife and stabbed Frida in the chest, puncturing his heart.Frida was transported at approximately 1 a.m.
Tammy Milillo, an active member of the campus Catholic community and a pre-kindergarten Sunday school teacher, was robbed of $400 worth of clothing specially tailored to accommodate her cerebral palsy on Friday, Feb.
While some students will be soaking up the sun over spring break, many others will be traveling with various religious groups on trips where they can offer their services and grow spiritually.Organizations under the umbrella of UB Campus Ministries and other student groups are offering some unique alternatives for this year's spring break.Members of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship are driving to Sumter, S.C.
According to the American Social Health Association, one in five people in the United States has a sexually transmitted disease and two-thirds of all STDs are present in people 25 years of age or younger.
It's raining threes, Hallelujah. Buffalo was the victim of questionable officiating, hostile crowds, and bad bounces in their four-game losing streak prior to Saturday afternoon's home contest against the Central Michigan Chippewas.
UB is a little greener thanks to UB Green, the university division responsible for recycling across campus.
Emerging businesses sometimes encounter tremendous challenges when introducing a new product or service that is unfamiliar to the public.
UB has charged three students for violations of the university's polices against hazing and serving alcohol to a minor following an investigation into last Sunday's Grand Island crash that left an Erie Community College student dead.Vice President for Student Affairs Dennis Black said the three students will receive Student Wide Judiciary hearings for violating both the university's student conduct rules and Greek organization policies.
At 18, Jamie had a baby. It was not, contradictory to Hallmark sentiment, a very happy occasion. She attended her high school graduation six months pregnant and, instead of spending the summer growing into young adulthood, gained 40 pounds and read childcare books.Six months later, her 21-year-old sister Kelly is pregnant, and while even she acknowledges that the baby will arrive several years early, her pregnancy is not shadowed with the irony and resignation that fell upon Jamie's.
If it's true that when it rains it pours, then it's coming down in buckets on the UB men's basketball team.
At the corner of Bedell Road and West River Parkway on Grand Island, a makeshift memorial has sprouted up to the latest victim of drunk driving's infinite tragedy.
I want to comment on one of the articles in The Spectrum today (Wednesday, Feb. 13). I found the feature "Inside MAC Women's Basketball" to be very informative and well written.
A UB professor is testing the concept that exercise may actually help improve energy levels in sufferers of multiple sclerosis, a condition whose symptoms include consistent fatigue.Nadine Fisher, a UB assistant professor of occupational therapy, and some of her colleagues came up with the idea for this study 10 years ago, but at the time not many other researchers were persuaded."They thought we were kind of crazy," said Fisher.
The Bulls wrestling squad has waged war against extreme competition all year long and have struggled against some of the better teams in the nation.
Third year, second semester, feels remarkably similar to junior year in high school. Of course, you say, they're essentially the same thing: one year before your world changes drastically and permanently.
UB's Center for Integrated Waste Management has teamed up with local organizations in an attempt to simultaneously address two community issues - unemployment and the environment.The Brownfields and Environmental Restorative Training program (BERT), organized by the waste management center and funded by a $200,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and private contributions, trains disadvantaged Western New Yorkers in environmental redevelopment procedures.
A fatal car crash in Grand Island last Sunday morning has resulted in the suspension of all Greek activities at UB at least through Saturday, due to allegations that the two minors involved in the accident had been drinking at a fraternity party before plunging into the Niagara River.UB's Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity chapter has received a disciplinary suspension for "alleged violations of campus policies on alcohol-related activities and service of alcohol to minors," according to a statement issued yesterday by Dennis Black, vice president for Student Affairs.
UB women's basketball Head Coach Cheryl Dozier is not happy. But what coach would be after her team's fifth-straight loss to a team they should easily have beaten?The Bulls were held to an embarrassing 11 points in the first half of their 55-35 loss against the Marshall Thundering Herd Wednesday night at Alumni Arena.
UBWednesdayMen's BasketballBall State 87, Buffalo 63Women's BasketballMarshall 55, Buffalo 35Upcoming EventsSaturdayMEN'S BASKETBALL VS.