Stop the Insanity
By STACIE DOPKO | Feb. 22, 2002Like all the horrible hazing stories from past years, the death of an Alfred student and other similar incidents recently reminded me of the value of thinking for yourself.
Like all the horrible hazing stories from past years, the death of an Alfred student and other similar incidents recently reminded me of the value of thinking for yourself.
UB Step Troupe is in deep trouble. On Monday, the Student Association Senate fined the SISH club $1,000 and 100 hours of community service for misappropriation of funds.
The men's basketball team is beginning to relate to Dorothy, clicking their heels while saying, "There's no place like home." UB (11-15, 6-9 MAC) lost their fourth straight game away from Alumni Arena Wednesday night, suffering their worst offensive output of the season while falling 54-42 to the Toledo Rockets before 3,954 at Savage Hall.
Muslim students at UB do not have as many on-campus fellowship options as their Christian or Jewish counterparts.
Do you believe in miracles? Sports fans know exactly what that question means. Twenty-two years ago Al Michaels made that line famous when he posed it to the audience as time ran out in the USA's impossible second-round win over the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympic hockey playoffs.This year, had Canada cooperated and lost to Finland, the Americans' road to the gold would have been identical to our run in Lake Placid.
Students celebrating the Student Association's Engineer's Week played with their food and ate it, too.
The Knicks' season is making me very nauseous. With each late-game collapse I become more and more fed up with the way things are being run.
While other students hit the slopes or caught up on daytime television over winter break, six UB students traveled to Eastern Europe to negotiate the admittance of new countries into the European Union.The students, sponsored by the Political Science Undergraduate Student Association, attended the EuroSim conference in the Czech Republic to grapple with issues currently facing the EU.EuroSim is the Transatlantic Consortium for European Studies and Simulation, where students gather to debate contemporary European politics.
To The Editor:Permit me a few moments while I shed a few tears for the Greek community. It turns out the term "frat boys" is a very offensive label being applied to the Greek members of our school.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Kerry Grant announced at Wednesday's Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting that his office has completed a report detailing the competitiveness of UB's graduate teaching assistant stipends, an issue the university has "constantly asserted every year . is a major problem."Under Gov.
The mailmen didn't know the envelopes they were carrying contained white powder. After anthrax mailings infected dozens people and killed five, everyone got scared.
Cutbacks in the state budget are threatening UB's Educational Opportunity Program, a state program that provides support services to disadvantaged, academically talented college students.
"AMERICA IS EXTREMELY NAUGHTY"-Protest Banner in Tehran, IranThe success of a major presidential address is judged by whether or not a particular phrase "sticks" in the political vocabulary.
Lobbyists from UB are working to secure millions of dollars in funding from both the New York State and federal governments as part of the university's efforts to place Buffalo at the forefront of economic activity in biomedical research.Faculty, administrators and employees in the university's Office of Government Affairs are working as a team to secure finances for the new Center of Excellence for Bioinformatics, said Bruce Holm, UB senior vice provost and chief administrator for the center.The Office of Government Affairs has representatives in both Albany and Washington, and continues to utilize SUNY's powerful Washington lobbying firm to leverage the university for additional government funding."Our ultimate mission is to bring back funding for the university," said Janet Penksa, former secretary to the New York State Assembly's Ways and Means Committee, and currently UB's associate vice president for government affairs.
Even those picked last in gym class can flex their competitive muscles and sweat away excess pounds in Alumni Arena, where Recreational and Intramural Services offer the chance to prove their athletic talent without having to join a varsity team."Intramurals gives competitors a way to play without all of the pressure," said Dan Mansfield, a co-captain of the soccer, basketball and football teams.Five thousand students participated in a variety of sports last semester, according to Ed Wright, coordinator of intramurals.
The Student Association Senate voted unanimously to fine the UB Step Troupe $1,000 for mismanagement of funds and an illegal "petty cash" account at the senate's Monday night meeting.
Passersby could not help but stop at the windows of the stylish little cafe. The powerful voice of Sabrina Montgomery of 'Round Midnight and the band's pulsating sound drew people into Le Metro Saturday night at, appropriately, midnight.The restaurant, much more than coffee and pastries, was the perfect setting for Montgomery's dynamic performance.
The wrestling squad's dual-meet record has wallowed in mediocrity all season long, and this past Sunday didn't do much to help the cause as it went from 5-7 to 6-8 with a split at the American Duals this past Sunday.
A mistake can be an education in itself. For those in the UB community who cross legal lines, redemption may take the form of community service.
It is the body that dances; however, it is the heart that truly performs. If art is the expression of emotions through the tangible, then dancing has always been one of the most powerful forms of artistic expression.In its 29th year, the Zodiaque Dance Company continues to be a source of pride for UB's dance department.