UB Softball Could Use a Break After a Winless One
By TAI KHANDAKER | Apr. 5, 2002The UB softball team took to the road for the spring break, playing a demanding eight-game schedule involving three schools and three doubleheaders.
The UB softball team took to the road for the spring break, playing a demanding eight-game schedule involving three schools and three doubleheaders.
Going to class is the last thing on the minds of many students when May rolls around. Students who don't mind sitting inside on a beautiful summer day or who may need the summer months to supplement their coursework, however, can take advantage of UB's summer session offerings.
What a difference a day makes. Tuesday's Montreal Expos Major League Baseball season opener at Olympic Stadium featured something that will not be seen again in Montreal this baseball season: a crowd.
Technology giant Hewlett-Packard recently announced its likely victory in the merger over Compaq Computer Corp., but university officials confirmed that Compaq will remain one of the biggest corporate sponsors to UB's Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics.
The Justice Department is pushing for the execution of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called "20th hijacker" charged with conspiracy in the Sept.
In their last meeting before spring break, held Thursday, March 21, the Student Association Assembly created two new committees: the Faculty Student Association Revisions Committee and the Constitutional Revisions Committee.FSA Revisions CommitteeAccording to Jennifer Tuttle, speaker of the SA Assembly, the three main goals of the committee are to work with the Faculty Student Association to help provide students with more nutritious food, cheaper and more convenient meal plan options and extended hours of service for certain on-campus eateries.Mitch Green, executive director of FSA, was unavailable for comment."Everybody is unhappy with the food on campus ... people would like to change it," said Tuttle.
I am Zachary Emerton's aunt and I read the article you posted on the front page of your newspaper March 20 ("Student Death Confirmed Suicide"). I am quite sure that my sister, Zach's mom, would not have approved of your article.
Many students look forward to taking a traditional spring break road trip. The UB baseball team, however, was just looking forward to finally hosting its first series while school was out.Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans, forcing Buffalo's series with Marshall University last weekend to be moved to Huntington, W.Va.
With the Sabres breathing in their last breath of playoff air this season, Buffalo sports enthusiasts are left with only one viable option Friday night.
Students, and young adults in general, rarely concern themselves with what they eat. There are risks, however, involved with the unhealthy binging young adults sometimes engage in - namely, obesity."Students spend a lot of time studying, using the computer and watching television and not enough time doing aerobic, physical activity," said Frank Carnevale, director of the Student Health Center.
To smoke or not to smoke? Despite the inherent, well-publicized health risks, 47 million Americans still incur long-term damages to their bodies and appearances by indulging in cigarette use.
"The customer is always right." Often muttered to ease the tension of a transaction gone awry at the local grocery or bank, this iconic phrase of American economic consumption (or something), has always flustered me with feelings of consumer uneasiness.It would be unjust of me to not share that I have recently terminated my employment at a local major entertainment and media chain.
Originated by resident advisor Ivan Loh and sponsored by the Richmond Hall Council, Student Association, and Residence Housing Association, the first annual Richmond Rave has been eagerly planned by students and residence hall staff alike for well over two months now.
When I lived with my family full time, Sunday was always the one day of the week when we were all at home.
The Student Association Assembly passed a resolution on Thursday, March 21 requesting the UB administration to temporarily suspend its contract with New Era Cap Company until the business "eliminates its sweatshop practices."Twenty-one members of the assembly voted to approve the resolution; three abstained.
A prevalence of respiratory disease among dental students is unrelated to exposure to the dental clinic environment, according to a recent study by the UB School of Dental Medicine.The study sprung from concerns that water-dispensing instruments used in dentistry may harbor harmful bacteria that could cause respiratory illness among those in frequent contact with the mist.
A 300-plus-pound black man grasped the back of a young girl's neck, holding her face an inch-and-a-half from his own.
After a series of failed operations, attendance at the Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre is growing, proving that even through the cold winter months in downtown Buffalo people are willing to bear the elements to see a good film.Managed by Dipson Theatres and owned by the city of Buffalo, the once-troubled theater complex has found its groove, attracting a growing audience by screening a combination of independent and commercial films and hosting a number of film series and festivals.UB English professors Bruce Jackson and Diane Christian are responsible for Market Arcade's pioneer film series, the Buffalo Film Seminars.Jackson, who is also a member of the MAFAC Inc. board of directors, and Christian were asked by Mike McCarthy, a Buffalo city lawyer, if they would be interested in teaching a college class at the complex and opening the course to local residents, as well as university students."We love getting the students downtown to see the city, and the mixture of students, film enthusiasts and other local residents attending the films makes for great conversation and discussions afterwards," said Jackson.Rather than limit the theater's screenings to strictly independent and art films or strictly commercial and mainstream films, Dipson set out to combine a variety of film categories under one roof.
The university announced Monday that students will no longer be able to use the word 'dorms' when in or around the university's residence halls.
In response to a critical examination of UB and its policies published this week in Generation magazine, UB announced yesterday sweeping, fundamental changes to the very structure of the university.