I would like to start off in saying that I think that the "Flag Room" on the second floor of the Student Union looks a lot better since its recent remodeling. The only major problem that I have noticed involves the hanging of the flags. While they look decent framed and under glass, I am shocked at the number of flags that are hung incorrectly.
The American flag, which is a living representation of our great country, is among these improperly hung flags. The 'union,' which is the blue part of the flag containing the stars, is positioned on the wrong side. According to the U.S. Code Title: 4, Chapter: 1, Section: 7i, "When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left."
I doubt that there was any malicious intent in hanging our flags improperly, but I feel that they need to be repositioned properly. The American flag is a very important symbol of our great country, and many soldiers and citizens have died defending it. I ask the Student Union to please honor our flag, and all of the others, by hanging them properly.