To The Editor:
In the Oct. 17 issue of The Spectrum, John Jennings essentially accused me of being in favor of censorship and against religious freedom. I would like to state that the above claim could not be further from the truth. I am in fact a strong advocate of first amendment rights and am strongly in favor of religious freedom, especially seeing as I belong to a minority religion.
What I object to is mindless religious crusading. Instead of providing a well balanced argument or opinion, the author of the "opinion" piece in Friday's Spectrum (Oct. 12, "Faith Manages") hid behind quotes from the Bible and Christian promotional pamphlets. I believe that if someone wanted to know something about the contents of the Bible they could go out and read it themselves. If I'm reading an opinion piece I expect an opinion and not propaganda. I do not mind opinions that I disagree with. I often enjoy reading them. Propaganda in my opinion is not a form of publishing an opinion.
I would also like to mention that I have never met any religion other than Christianity that has claimed to be the only "right" one. I have lived amongst people of many religious backgrounds and never heard anything resembling the Christian "I'm right, you're wrong" opinion. I would not mind Christianity's claims if they weren't broadcasted by so many of its followers. I believe that every person should decide on his or her own what they believe in instead of just tagging on to some group.
Fabio M. Albertin
UB Student