As I sit looking at the calendar, I realize it is once again a holiday. This time around, the occasion is President's Day. A day placed in February to honor the birthdays of two of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I also realize that I am headed off to school on this cold, snowy morning, something I have never done on this holiday or any holiday, until I came to college.
I am wondering why it is that the only holidays UB feels obligated to celebrate are holidays on the Jewish calendar and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a controversy here, but don't you think that a day set aside to honor the leaders of this great nation is paramount to the work of a civil rights leader?
King did many good things, but he never led a country, let alone the greatest country in the world. As for the Jewish holidays, I understand that a lot of UB's student population is Jewish. But I also understand that a majority of UB's population is American and due to the recent events of 9/11 and the imminent war that is looming, (they) should take pride in their Americanism. I think that's a little hard when days set aside to honor our veterans, laborers and presidents are not honored. How can one have a sense of patriotism when the days of honor feel no different than ordinary days? I'm not asking for the university to grant us such days off. All I'm asking for is a reason why the university doesn't grant these days off.