Fifty years from now, when we are older and wiser, we will tell our grandchildren about what happened Tuesday night. We will tell them that we were there, watching the television as Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw spoke of the history taking place.
The first black president. Only 150 years after blacks were property and considered sub-human. Today, Barack Obama is the leader of the free world. Something big has happened here. Something bigger than you, or me or Barack Obama.
Now, Mr. President, make us believe. Make us believe your speeches, your "yes we can" chants. Make us believe in the thousands that attended your rallies in Germany. Make us believe your words and your policies.
For the last two years we've heard you and now it is time to prove yourself. The majority voted for you because they believed.
They believed in your speech on race and recognized the prejudice that still exists deep down in our America.
They believed you would only increase the tax to the richest five percent and universalize health care so that every American could afford it.
Make good on your word. No tax increase on 95 percent of the American people? I do not believe that you can get the bill passed, even with a Democratic House and Senate. I would love to see you make this a reality and not realize that it was just another political advertisement during an extremely competitive election campaign.
"What makes America great has never been its perfection, but the belief that it can be made better," Obama said on June 30.
America is certainly not perfect. It has never been perfect. And I would argue that it will never be perfect.
But it has always been the most perfect.
President Obama, make this place more perfect. Tomorrow morning, when I wake up, I will feel better about the future of the U.S.
However, half of the country will feel worse. Your job is to make them feel better. Make them feel that even if they did not vote for you, the country will be better than it was under President Bush.
After all, this is, and always has been, the United States of America. Make all of those who did not believe in you believe that you will make this country better.
This has become a country of hope, a country of expectation. Do not let us down after all of this time.
After all of the exhaustion, all of the pundits and all of the political tricks, make good on your promise to change the state of this country.
Today I feel like I have contributed to a significant change in this world. I feel as though the world will be a better place because of my vote. Do not let me down. All of what you said cannot be false.
If only half of what your supporters believe is true, then follow through with that half. Please. Sir, this country cannot take another disappointment. This place has fought for what you have promised. To watch you crumble would be devastating for everyone; not just the majority.
You have won. All of the textbooks editors know now how to spell your name correctly. Do not let them down.
President Obama, you are black. You are not white. You are different. And the American people decided that you were the best choice. Yes we can.
And yes we will.