If there's one thing we hate to see inside The Spectrum, it's white space. We take great care to fill all the other space, but this one is reserved for you, the greater UB community. Whether it's building a car, making a movie or producing a newspaper, the only way a product can be improved upon is through timely praise, criticism and feedback from the consumer - you.
Do you disagree with how we reported a particular story? Tell us. Did you find something written in one of our editorials enlightening? Let us know. Did an opinion piece anger you tremendously? Write a letter. We welcome all forms of constructive criticism. If you think we overlooked something your fellow members of the UB community should know about: tell us.
Letters to the editor can be sent as Corel Word Perfect or Microsoft Word attachments to ubletters@hotmail.com or dropped off at 132 Student Union. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for content, and those exceeding 400 words may be edited for space considerations. Please include your name, telephone number, e-mail address and relation to the university (student, professor, etc.) with your letter.
We hope to hear from you soon.