I'm going to vote for John McCain in the general elections on Nov. 4. For a long time I was all about Obama, but I realize now, it's got to be McCain.
After all, as McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis said, "This election is not about the issues."
Davis is right. This election is not about the issues; it's about the American people. Like Sarah Palin says, it's about the hockey moms and the Joe Six-Packs. These are the people who need to be satisfied. The issues only suffocate this country in bureaucratic nonsense.
Earlier this year McCain admitted he was fuzzy on the economy. A few weeks ago he said the economy's fundamentals were stable. And now Wall Street is literally falling apart and the government is forced to regulate banks to save the world economy from collapsing. McCain has clearly learned from his mistakes, however, preaching the continual deregulation of the government, even during these economically turbulent times. He disregards that history teaches us that a regulated government is a necessity during a recession or depression (FDR the best example) and does things his own way.
The trickle-down system works. Middle-class families and lower-class single moms should trust the Wall Street executive and realtors who offer no-money-down mortgages. These are good people not looking for a quick profit, but rather trying to help you live your life within your means.
And I think that's exactly what we need in office; someone who won't talk about facts and figures, but rather smile a lot and crack jokes and make generalities everyone can understand. An Everyman, a Joe Six-Pack for the people. Someone like George W. Bush. A man of the people.
Sure, Bush was wrong about WMDs in Iraq, dismantling the Iraqi army after we took over (which caused many of the trained soldiers to fight against us), and the deregulation of the economy, but he was right about the surge.
It's working, and those over 4,000 dead American soldiers aren't going to die in vain. Because we took over a country that never attacked us directly and gave them democracy they never even asked us for.
Did it create a vacuum for terrorist groups to emerge and eliminate Iran's leading enemy?
Yes, but all that means is we have to eliminate Iran now. And who's going to do that. Barack Obama? Wrong. John McCain is the patriot we deserve.
McCain is the candidate who suffered heinous torture methods under the Vietnamese. Today, in places like Guantanamo Bay and Iraq, many of those same methods are used by American troops against terrorists, or people who might be terrorists. Sometimes waterboarding them is the only way to know for sure.
McCain knows about these methods, has experienced them, and now supports us using them. He's an expert on torture and will help the United States maintain its world dominance.
Sometimes you just have to act tough, stop listening to everyone else and only listen to people who agree with you. McCain knows this, which is why he won't speak to people President Ahaminejad and Kim Jong-Il unless they decide to turn to democracy. That's a really smart policy. McCain won't even speak to Spain. What have they done for us lately anyway? They're like France.
As for Osama bin Laden, the guy who engineered the 9/11 attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives, McCain seems smart enough to cut his losses and focus on the important war: the War in Iraq.
We caught that guy and we're winning there. Bin Laden will probably die soon anyway.
Yes, McCain did say he would "follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell," but was clearly being figurative. John McCain can't go to hell, he's a Christian. And that's why he's got to be the next president. What's Obama's religion? Muslim? Who cares? He doesn't believe in America, so I don't believe in him.
John McCain believes in God, he believes in America, he believes in torture, he believes in war, he believes in lowering taxes on the upper class and he believes in winning. What could be more American than that?