UB's on-campus radio station, WRUB, soon hopes to expand its program offering with "The Weekly Rub," a public access television show entirely produced by the station's staff.
With the weekly show, WRUB intends to reach students via the campus cable network's free channel space, as well as provide its WRUB-TV members a chance to produce a weekly program, according to Brian Milbrand, executive producer of WRUB's TV programming.
The show will feature music video programming "[students] cannot see anywhere else," according to Milbrand, along with original films and scripted features on an as-completed basis.
Putting together even a small, weekly television show is no easy task, as Milbrand can attest.
All films and videos shown on the program have gone through an exhaustive selection process by the show's video selection committee. Assistant Production Producer Joseph DiDomizio said the program allows those seeking to work in film or television a chance to see the entire production process from the inside.
"We like to think of ourselves as a large production company, that has resources that people can use, so we can sponsor what they want to do," said DiDomozio. "Then, they have to go through the hurdles of getting it all done so it lets them see how it has to happen."
WRUB-TV moved its production this year from the Student Union to a professional studio downtown, giving members a chance to work with actual equipment and production timelines.
At this point, all of the work involved in producing the TV show has occurred behind the scenes only. Although the station has produced a small catalogue of shows ready to be aired, problems in securing broadcast space with both the university and Adelphia, UB's cable provider, have kept WRUB's television project off the air.
Until the stations reserved for "The Weekly Rub" are repaired, the project's staffers are left waiting for a chance for their work to be seen.
"This year is the most exciting year yet," said DiDomozio. "We already have a couple of backlogged episodes ready to run, all brand new stuff, with great music videos and a lot of other really great new material going on, and the entire staff is really excited."
Corey Griswold and Chris Dlugosz, two of the scriptwriters for "The Weekly Rub," are waiting for an opportunity to showcase their talents.
"We feel we can make people laugh, we have been doing this stuff for a long time on our own and now we'll have the opportunity to actually put this out there where everyone can see it," said Griswold. "It's just fun to go and make people laugh, that's why I got into this," he added.
"The Weekly Rub" is accepting submissions from freelance filmmakers and musicians for their show. Those interested in submitting material or getting involved with the show's production should call 645-3370 or visit the show's Web site at http://www.subboard.com/wrub/wrubtv.shtm.