I never anticipated writing this one.
Last week, as Gov. Cuomo moved SUNY schools to a “distance-learning” model for the remainder of the semester in response to the coronavirus, our staff had to make a decision.
For the rest of this semester —and for the rest of my time as editor-in-chief —The Spectrum will be operating online only.
This is bizarre to write and, to be honest, upsetting to think about. I was excited for the 12 remaining print issues my friends and I were preparing for our readers. I was excited to toast them all in NBA Courtside on the N64 a few more times. And I was excited to graduate with some of them in May, in a ceremony which is likely up in the air following social-distancing regulations.
Still, none of that takes precedence over the health of others.
And while our in-person experiences at UB may have come to an unexpected end, our publication still exists to serve its purpose. We still have to inform the campus community.
So for the next two months, you can expect non-stop coverage of the pandemic as it pertains to UB. You can expect information on how UB is navigating these unprecedented times. And you can expect columns from students who may be going through the same hardships that you are.
There are still many students living on campus with questions. And I know there are many of us scattered across the country or even the world, too.
I promise you that The Spectrum will not stop asking these questions.
We will be active on our social media platforms when news breaks. We will be sharing feature-length stories on how this impacts our community and beyond. And we will be a platform for student voices during these unexpected circumstances.
If you have a story to tell, if you have worries about how this pandemic will impact your career at UB or if you’re just looking to find out some more information, we are here.
Follow us on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram. Like us on Facebook. And email us with any tips.
Now, more than ever, is the time to keep up with your student publication.
We won’t stop keeping up with you.
Brenton J. Blanchet is the editor-in-chief and can be reached at Brenton.Blanchet@ubspectrum.com and on Twitter @BrentonBlanchet.

Brenton J. Blanchet is the 2019-20 editor-in-chief of The Spectrum. His work has appeared in Billboard, Clash Magazine, DJBooth, PopCrush, The Face and more. Ask him about Mariah Carey.