To the editor,
I would like to start off by congratulating the Student Alliance on their near sweep of the recent SA election. I know that each and every one of the candidates and supporters worked with the utmost diligence and dedication to secure the victory that they are celebrating today.
I would also like to take this chance to thank all the members of the ONE Party, all our supporters and all family and friends that helped us give this election our best shot. Without all your undying support, reassurance and assistance what we accomplished would not have been possible.
It was reported in The Spectrum that I was unsure about how to handle my election. It is no surprise to anyone that this election was clouded in controversy, tainted with personal attacks and frustrated with many incidents of immaturity. As someone who has run in two previous SA elections, for both SA Senate and SA Delegate, I can say without the slightest hesitation that this was the most difficult election I have ever participated in.
No one runs in an election expecting to have ones reputation called into question, have friends turn into adversaries or to have to deal with a system where personal attacks trump political debate.
Given the nature of this election, and the fact that I feel the new election rules were not without flaw, I feel that no one can blame my initial lack of enthusiasm over my election in light of my parties loss. While I refuse to ascribe blame to any particular body, party or governing entity, I feel that the SA election process needs to be reassessed to guarantee ultimate equality and fairness in elections. Yet regardless of the results, I still stand behind my friends and running mates and maintain their strong qualifications for the positions they ran for.
However, despite all of this, I was elected by the student body as a SUNY Delegate to represent the students at UB to whom I feel I owe a responsibility that supersedes party lines. I care too deeply about the student's interests and rights to be dissuaded from serving them to my fullest potential. I called my father after the election results were announced, and he told me that his daughter is not a quitter. And indeed I am not. That is why, I wish to thank all those that voted in this election and extend my earnest desire to the new SA executive board that we can work together in the upcoming school year to improve the lives of students and hopefully mend the divisions that this election caused.
I told The Spectrum during endorsements that in the end it's simply about the students and I stand by that today. I intend to hold this position with as must enthusiasm and passion as I held it this year and I promise to, no matter what other office or capacity I serve in, to always consider the students at UB at the top of my priorities
Amanda Jonas
SUNY Delegate
I owe a responsibility to the student body
Want to work together with new group