I just wanted to comment that I found the column in Wednesday's Spectrum entitled "Your guide to dying" inappropriate and insensitive. I didn't feel it was right to joke around and poke fun at that little girl's death. I don't mind if Ken Ilgunas is going to come up with crazy ways to die, but I think he should have been a little more sensitive and respectful to the fact that this was someone's little girl that they loved that died a horrific and terrifying death.
Also, I didn't feel that his comments about crucifixion and those who "try to live up to the alleged Son of God" were appropriate. I thought that UB promoted tolerance and acceptance of people from all walks of life. I think those comments crossed the line, and as a Christian myself, I felt like I was being mocked.
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts, and I ask that Ken Ilgunas please be more considerate the next time he writes an article. Thank you, and have a great day.