Elections for the Graduate Student Association begin on Wednesday with only the vice presidential race fielding more than one candidate.
Current GSA vice president Jillian Flood, a Ph.D. student for Counseling Psychology, is running against Xiao Jun Shan, a Ph.D. candidate in Cognitive Psychology. The two are paired off for the vice presidential race.
Aubrey Balcom, a Ph.D. student in Geography, and Saaket Varma, a Ph.D. student in Biochemistry, are running unopposed for GSA president and treasurer, respectively.
Balcom is the current GSA treasurer.
Polls are open on North Campus on Wednesday and Thursday of this week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Lobby. South Campus polls open Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Harriman Hall.
Graduate students must have their UB card to vote.