(Editor's note: This letter is in response to Erin Shultz's column "I Would Rather Walk Than Be on the Road with You" on Nov. 18.)
You cannot be serious - Buffalo having the worst drivers out of any city in the country? That is the strangest thing I ever heard. I thought it was a joke when I first read it. There are way more cities that are known nationally for having poor drivers. Haven't you ever heard the term "California Driver"? Have you ever seen a New York City cab driver, or tried to drive in Boston or Los Angeles? How about traffic jams in Atlanta?
And those are only cities I've actually been in. Buffalo is such a minor city compared to all these. Generally, the larger the city, the worse the drivers are. There are poor drivers everywhere (the "moves" described in your piece can be found anywhere), but there is no way that Buffalo is even on the list of top 25 cities for bad drivers. It doesn't even come close. Plus, I give the people of Buffalo a lot of credit for driving in all the poor weather conditions - black ice, snow, black ice, rain, black ice, sleet, black ice. They have to put up with a lot, and most of them handle it really well. To think that out of all of the huge cities in America, a tiny city like Buffalo is one of the worst (or the worst) for drivers is really kind of naive.