Buffalo's second annual Take Back the Night, a citywide march and rally promoting rape and sexual assault awareness is set to take place Thursday night.
According to Patricia Yu, Anti-Rape Task Force Events coordinator, Planned Parenthood Educator Chris Stencer will be one of the main speakers at the event and will discuss how men can become involved in the fight against sexual abuse.
"Most people think rape is just a women issue but he will be speaking about how it is not just a women issue and how it is important specifically for men to get involved," said Yu.
In addition, sexual assault victims will speak at the event, including a male child abuse survivor and a college-age female survivor of sexual assault.
University officials and politicians will also be on hand at the event, including Vice President for Student Affairs Dennis Black and Assemblyman Sam Hoyt.
"They will be speaking just for a couple of minutes and they are there to show their support," said Yu.
The event started as a worldwide rally in 1973 in Germany as part of an initiative to unite the community and bring attention to issues of sexual assault, said Yu.
Last year's event drew approximately 2,000 people and coordinators expect the same number to attend this year.
The march begins at the Lincoln Parkway at 6 p.m., and will snake its way to the Delaware Park Casino at 7 p.m., where survivors and speakers will share their stories.
Transportation will be provided from both campuses to the event. Buses will leave the Ellicott Tunnel at 5:15 p.m., and stop at the Student Union Loop, Goodyear Hall and the Main Circle, in front of Hayes Hall on South Campus.
Return trip buses will leave Delaware Park at 8:40 p.m. making several trips for participants who wish to stay longer.
For additional information about Take Back the Night, call 829-2584.