I have just finished reading (Mike Scott's) article, "5 Steps to Selling UB Football," and I could not have said it better myself. I am a junior here and I have been to every single home football game and a couple of away games. That's because I cheer for the football team. I think you would like to know that I don't know what the whole legality issue is with beer in the stadium, but at the Minnesota game a couple of weekends ago, they were selling beer in the stadium. I was surprised, and someone had said it is up to the university! So I do think that they would be able to sell. I'm not positive, but does Syracuse sell (beer) at their games?
One more thing: I don't think our team is going to start doing any better until our fans do! If you walk into any other Division I school, their stadiums blast their colors. If you walk into ours, the opposing team often blasts our colors away. Okay, I lied, one more thing: they spend all of our money to bring in these stupid people at half time that no one in college cares about - Tony Hawk and Screech. Why don't they ask us who we want? Or give us something that will help promote the team, like give away a UB shirt and get our colors in there, or maybe even a free tailgate party with beer. That would never happen, but why not?