In an effort to raise money for Hearts for the Homeless and other world hunger relief organizations, UB's Campus Ministry Association is inviting individuals and student groups to participate in their fourth annual Crop Walk for Hunger Sunday, Oct. 13 at 1 p.m., beginning in the Commons courtyard by the clock tower.
"We are trying to raise money for the hungry and bring students to do something for someone else, to be united, to bring different people to come together and help those who are less fortunate," said Gail Riina, who is directing the Crop Walk.
Over the last 15 years, more than four million walkers and 2,000 communities have participated in the event nationwide. At UB, students, clubs, fraternities, sororities and members of individual classes have traditionally participated in the walk, according to Riina.
One-quarter of the money generated will go to local organizations chosen by the students and the remaining 75 percent will go to the Church World Service, a relief and refugee assistance ministry.
An individual walker can raise money either by making his or her own donation to the program or by collecting "pledges" from other people who agree to sponsor the walker. For example, a student may collect pledges of $1 per mile.
"If a student walked for five miles he or she will then collect five dollars," said Riina.
Dalene Guarino, a graduate assistant and campus minister, said the event attracted about 75 walkers last year and organizers are expecting 100 to 125 this year because of increased advertising and prize offerings for top fundraisers.
Prizes include pizza parties and athletic equipment, and the first 100 walkers will receive a free water bottle.
Last year, prizes went to an individual who raised $141 and a group that raised $300.
The walk was originally named after the Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP), which was developed in 1947 for Midwest farm families to share their excess grain with European and Asian nations in need of food after the devastation of World War II.
While CROP is no longer an acronym, the term now symbolizes the food given to the hungry all over the world, said Riina.
For more information on how to participate in the Crop Walk, e-mail or call 688-4064.