4/10 A backpack was taken from an open room in Roosevelt Hall.
4/10 Daniel J. Christmann was arrested for stealing a calculator from Bissell Hall.
4/10 A person was suffering from spasms in Clement Hall and was taken to Sister's Hospital for treatment.
4/10 A female student attempted suicide in Flickenger Court and was taken to the Erie County Medical Center.
4/11 A female student was taken to Degraffe Hospital after tripping at Fronczak Hall.
4/11 Smoke was reported at in the Student Union due to overheated oil.
4/11 A student fell in a stairwell at Capen Hall but refused treatment.
4/11 A person was struck by a vehicle in the Ketter Parking Lot.
4/12 An unknown person pulled the fire alarm at Flint Village.
4/12 A person suffering from chest pains in Fargo Quad was taken to
the Erie County Medical Center for treatment.
4/12 A student in Flint Village received several hang up calls from an unknown person.
4/12 A person was hit by a car on Rensch Road and taken to the hospital for treatment.
4/12 An unknown person vandalized the walls of the School of Management with a magic marker.
4/12 An unknown person vandalized the walls of Clemens Hall with a magic marker.
4/13 A vehicle was missing from the Townsend Lot and later recovered on Winspear Avenue.
4/13 A bottle of cologne was stolen from an open room in Red Jacket.
4/13 An unknown student threatened another student in the Student Union.
4/14 A female burned her hand at the Richmond Caf?(c) and received first aid treatment.
4/14 Eric A. Pawliczek was charged with criminal mischief and taken to the Erie County Medical Center.
4/15 A female in Red Jacket took herself to the hospital after experiencing abdominal pains.
4/16 An ex-girlfriend struck a computer during an argument in Clement Hall.
4/16 An unknown person or persons chalked the area around the Student Union.
4/16 A female student was diagnosed as suicidal and taken to the Erie County Medical Center.