The Knicks' season is making me very nauseous. With each late-game collapse I become more and more fed up with the way things are being run. When Othella Harrington and Clarence Weatherspoon are some of the leaders on the team, you can pretty much kiss the season goodbye.
It's just painful to watch this once proud franchise struggle so badly. Watching a movie starring Lou Diamond Phillips would be more entertaining than some of the pitiful performances the Knicks have put on this season. As a Knick fan, that is truly kicking a fallen man. Then we get to listen to some of the proposed trades. I'm sorry but losing Sprewell and gaining Nick "Napoleon Complex"Van Exel does nothing for the team.
Hopefully, we do well in the lottery and get a high pick. The only problem is that the Knicks aren't ever too successful in the draft. For proof, look no further than the incompetent Frederic Weis.
What a sad time. The NFL on FOX's Pat Summerall is moving on and has retired from broadcasting NFL games. His longtime partner and fellow fossil John Madden must be pretty upset, but I'm sure he wishes Pat luck in his future endeavors. I mean, jumping from calling football games to being a movie star and replacing the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park 4 is going to be a tough one for the old guy.
As much as it pains me to admit, I own a Doug Flutie jersey. But I have decided to burn it this weekend, because it doesn't deserve to be hung next to my old Todd Collins jersey. I would, however, be willing to sell it for a decent price. So just drop me a line at if you want it.
NBC seriously has the biggest pack of losers working for them. Can anybody honestly admit to liking NBA commentator Bill Walton? My feelings for this guy wouldn't be allowed to print in this publication. Let's just leave it at that. I really can't understand why he would be hired. He looks like a starving rabbit that just got dropped in a cabbage patch and his lisp is worse than Sarah Jessica Parker is ugly.
Then there's the third horror, Bob Costas. I just love the way he calls all his favorite guys by their first names. Like back in the Bulls' heyday: Michael! Scottie! Dennis! It made me sick to my stomach, and now he is doing it with the Lakers. But my personal favorite is Michael Jordan's "personal assistant" Ahmad Rashad. God only knows what those two have going on behind the scenes.
Ah yes, figure skating. This has been some pretty controversial stuff hasn't it? But honestly do you really care? I don't. Next.
John McEnroe, what are you doing? Your show, "The Chair," is absolutely ridiculous. I have a better idea for a show. It will be called "The Table." Bring back former Rams QB Jim Everett and sit him at a table with a contestant. Jim asks them some questions and if they get it wrong Jim goes "Don't call me Chris," and he flips the table over old school style. There's your show, boo bam.
I had a dream the other night. It was that old Tiger Woods commercial playing in my head, you know the "I am Tiger Woods" one. Then an atomic bomb landed on the set and obliterated everything. It was pretty sweet.
I'm out like Mark Chmura's morals.