The Spectrum welcomes feedback from students, faculty, staff, administrators - any form of intelligent life this side of the Milky Way. If what you read on these pages makes you angry, sad, disappointed, happy, ecstatic, enthusiastic, appalled, confused or sleepy, voice your opinions, objections, compliments or criticisms in a letter to the editor.
Submissions can be sent to Please include your name, your title (student, administrator, faculty member, president of the United States) and a phone number where you can be reached. For the long-winded, The Spectrum also accepts opinion pieces for consideration to be printed on page five. Submissions may be edited for length, style or clarity, and should be under 4,000 characters in length.
Questions? Call The Spectrum at 645-2468.
The Spectrum welcomes any story ideas, tips or information about campus or local events that might be of interest to the UB community. If we don't know about it, we can't report on it. Press releases or other official contact information can be faxed to The Spectrum at 645-2766 or dropped off at 132 Student Union. Always include a contact name and number. Or, call The Spectrum at 645-2468 and ask for one of the editors.