The UB Committee for the Promotion of Respect for Diversity would like to echo the sentiments of President Greiner to the university community in light of the recent tragedies in New York City, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania. We wish to offer our sincerest condolences, sympathy and prayers to all the victims, their families and friends.
During tragic times such as these, many emotions can be exhibited, such as fear, remorse, anger and hate. The purpose of this letter is to seek campus understanding and tolerance during these trying times.
The University at Buffalo is a very diverse and tolerant community. Nonetheless, some individuals may draw hasty conclusions concerning these heinous acts. We urge caution to all concerning comments and behavior and ask all university community members to work together to help solve problems during this time of need.
We are a free society because of the laws we have all agreed to abide by.
Therefore, we ask that before an individual or group act, they remember the freedom and liberty we have which make this nation strong.
If anyone becomes aware of a problem that may harm others, please call Public Safety at 645-2222. Officers who respond will initially handle the situation and will work with others to promote a civil and secure environment.
Within the university community, we have a great cadre of departments who have worked tirelessly over the past couple of days and will continue throughout the course of these and future events. These include but are not limited to: The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students (645-2982), University Residence Halls and Apartments (645-3070), Student Health Services (829-3316), Counseling Center (645-2720), Student Multicultural Affairs (645-2732), Student Unions and Activities (645-6125) and Campus Ministries Association (645-2998).
These units and many others are always here to help community members at all times.