While there are ideological differences between cultures that were a significant cause for last Tuesday's attack, we cannot simply say that they attacked us due to their opposition to our "freedom" or our "way of life." We must keep in mind that we have taken many actions that spur this anger.
Our constant military interference in other nations is bound to make enemies for us. Our covert and overt support of wars against Arab nations and other non-Caucasian groups have created much legitimate hostility against our nation and our policies of interference.
In "solving" the current problem of attacks against our nation, we must not just treat the symptoms, but the cause as well. We must cease our interference in the lives and issues of other peoples, or we will simply continue to create new generations of people who wish to see us "taken down a notch."
Humanitarian aide is one thing. Use of the military force is significantly different. We need to remember which one makes people want to kill us.